News media and social networks have been buzzing about Loqu8's innovative technologies and its impact on learning. Loqu8's augmented intelligence model is the result of years of research at Stanford University in cognitive science and information processing.

Loqu8 iCE 8 - Now available

How Can Small Developers Break the Siege?

JULY 12, 2012

Know your target audience and promote your products to them. Broad-based advertising is expensive and may have limited effectiveness. PDF

Microsoft BizSpark: From Learning Chinese to Empowering Enterprises

FEBRUARY 5, 2010

Two years and 13,000 users later, Loqu8 has built a series of products to help people understand and learn languages. With prompting from corporate users, Loqu8 built a platform for users too find, update and share information through out the enterprise. PDF

Facebook: Loqu8's SharePoint 2010 SocialFest Application


Loqu8 was pleased to accept an invitation to Salesforce.com’s AppQuest contest to identify the next killer application for the cloud. As a Force.com developer, Loqu8 was chosen for its groundbreaking Insight application that rapidly displays CRM and Force.com information through context-sensitive popup windows. PDF  Video

TechCrunch Blog: SharePoint 2010 SocialFest

FEBRUARY 4, 2010

Loqu8 allows you to integrate immediate data lookup into your computing experience. Companies can build their own lexicons as reference, which makes it easier for employees to understand company-specific buzzwords and acronyms. PDF

Customer Experience

Our users, from the U.S. State Department to the United Nations Office at Geneva, are excited about Loqu8.

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