
Entering your license key

Loqu8 iCE 8 - License Manager

To activate your software:
A. In the Main window, click Help, then License Manager.
B. From your Loqu8 License Key email, highlight and copy (Ctrl+C) the license key.
C. In the License Manager, paste (Ctrl+V) the license key and press Submit.

After your license is validated, press Continue. Congratulations, our software is ready to use.

Common Messages

  • Missing license key: Enter a license key or your email address (to request a free preview license)
  • Validating key: Normally, it takes less than a minute to validate your key. If there is no response, please try again later
  • License validated: Your license key has been accepted. Click Continue button
  • Your key has been sent: Check your email for your license key
  • No changes: Click Continue button


  • Your license key is for a different product: Your license key is not for Loqu8 iCE 8
  • Mismatched license key: Your license key is for a different version (not 8)
  • Invalid or expired license: Your license key is not valid or your subscription has expired
  • Network not available: Your computer is not connected to the internet or manual configuration (for proxy) is required
  • Checking for license updates...: License Manager receiving updates for Translation Credits or subscriptions for your license
  • Server not responding: Our licensing server is experiencing communication problems. You may want to try manual (proxy) configuration
  • The HTTP service unavailable: Sorry, our licensing server is overwhelmed by user requests. Please try again later

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