Settings to the General tab. In the
Popup section (top, left side), you'll see these settings:
- LiveScan
is the most popular feature of Loqu8 iCE. Hover your
mouse over a Chinese word and see a popup window reading
the Chinese word(s) while showing you the English
meaning and how to pronounce it (Pinyin or Bopomofo).
Un-check to disable this function
- HighlightScan
lets your understand a range of Chinese text. Highlight
the Chinese text and Chinese Reader opens a
HighlightScan window. An auto-translation provides a
simplistic translation. Hover your mouse over the words
in the reading panel to see dictionary-based meanings.
Un-check to disable this function
- ClipboardScan
helps you understand Chinese text in the widest range of
applications. When you copy Chinese text using the
shortcut Ctrl+C or menu command Edit > Copy, Loqu8 iCE
opens the HighlightScan window, similar to HighlightScan
(above). Un-check to disable clipboard monitoring
- Ctrl+Scan: Control precisely when
Loqu8 iCE interacts with your text. Hold the Control
(Ctrl) key while pointing at text (Ctrl+LiveScan) or
highlighting text (Ctrl+HighlightScan) to open the
LiveScan or HighlightScan windows
The next three settings control the size and location of
the popup window, relative to your mouse pointer.
- Auto-height: Let the program adjust
the height of the popup windows automatically
- Prefer right or Prefer
bottom: The default is to open the popup window
in the space above and to the left side. (I have mine
configured for right and bottom; choose what works best
for you.)
The next two settings allow you to control the window
after it pops up.
- Pin to desktop: Freezes the popup
window. This is the same as clicking the Pin icon
- Dismiss on click: After the popup
window appears, clicking outside the window will close
Loqu8 iCE uses Ctrl+C and the Windows
clipboard. If your application is experiencing unusual
behavior, you may limit Loqu8 iCE's interactions as you
troubleshoot your applications.
- Un-check LiveScan and HighlightScan,
check ClipboardScan. ClipboardScan is
compatible with all well-behaved Windows applications
- Check Ctrl+Scan option. This resolves many
application issues when using Loqu8 iCE only